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College Possible Initiative

电子mg官方网站与College Possible合作,为我们的学生提供近乎对等的指导 support on a yearly basis. College Possible has refined its near-peer coaching model 采用以研究为基础的课程,现在是全国大学成功的领导者 programming. 我们专门的同行教练指导和支持学生的道路 进入并完成大学学业,使得有可能上大学的学生的可能性增加了三倍 earn their degrees than their peers.

What it means to have a Success Coach.


Frequently Asked Questions

Coaches are near-peer mentors that have recently graduated from 电子mg官方网站. They are here to help you with one thing: to graduate with a degree. They 你是你的头号支持者,可以帮助你解决任何你可能面临的问题吗. If 事情进展顺利,他们可以帮助你投资自己和你的 future!

奥斯丁·皮伊提供近同行教练,以促进成功过渡到大学 哪些影响你的学业成功、成就和学位完成. This program focuses primarily on supporting first-有资格获得佩尔助学金的一代和/或学生,他们面临着独特的挑战 transitioning to college and achieving degree completion.

As much as you need! At a minimum, coaches try to meet with their students once a month to check in and see how things are doing. That being said, you are definitely not limited to how many times you can meet with your coach. 

虽然教练经常与顾问合作,但我们在很多方面存在分歧. 顾问专注于注册、大学文书工作和学术相关业务. 你的教练会在这里全面地支持你——无论是在课堂内还是在课堂外. 除了学业上的成功,人们经常讨论的话题还有个人幸福和经济状况 success.

如果你有教练,你会在开始时收到他们的电子邮件 the semester or academic year. You can also check on your OneStop Advising Page. Coaches 在“一站式咨询”的“咨询笔记”部分向学生指出了什么 page who their assigned coach is and how to contact their coach.

教练可以提供广泛的资源,以满足广泛的需求. If classes 一切都很顺利,而且你已经融入了校园,那么你的教练可以帮助你吗 you with things like organi让你的时间变得更有压力,或者帮助你设定目标并实现它们 so that your college experience is fulfilling.  

这还是奥斯汀皮伊大学的新项目,所以,很不幸,不是每个人都能参加 a coach yet. While we would love to proactively reach out and help as many students as possible, we do not have enough coaches to do so. However, we plan on expanding in the future to support more students. 

College Possible Success Coaches

Brooke Gibson

Brooke Gibson
McReynolds 112
(931) 221-6626

Brooke Gibson is a first year Student Success College Possible Coach. She recently graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelor 领导与组织管理理学硕士,心理学辅修 and Communication. 在奥斯汀皮伊大学读本科的时候,她非常 involved on campus. She has previously worked on campus for the department of Information Technology, was a Peer Leader in UNIV 1000, and worked as a Resident Assistant. 她很高兴能见到学生并帮助他们度过大学生活.



Demetrius Hobbs

Demetrius Hobbs
McReynolds 112
(931) 221-6868

Demetrius S. 霍布斯在2022年秋天开始担任学生成功教练,但是 他曾在奥斯汀·皮伊的报纸好事达工作. Demetrius graduated 于2021年12月毕业于奥斯汀皮伊州立大学,获得工程学学士学位 Technology. Demetrius热衷于帮助学生在校园和导航 challenges and successes that come with their college careers.



Hayley Roddy

Hayley Roddy
McReynolds 101
(931) 221-6614

海莉罗迪开始担任学生成功教练在2022年的秋天. She graduated from Austin Peay in May 2022 with a B.S. in Health and Human Performance. Before serving 对于“可能的大学”来说,海莉在转学后只是奥斯汀皮伊学院最近的一名学生 to the institution to pursue a new degree route. With a desire to further serve the 在奥斯汀大学度过了一段短暂的学术生涯后,她选择了这所大学 Peay, Hayley申请成为一名学生成功教练,以帮助学生获得 the most of their college experience.



Olivia McClendon

Olivia McClendon
McReynolds 109
(931) 221-6086

Olivia McClendon began serving as a Success Coach in Fall 2021. During her time as 作为一名本科生,奥利维亚对奥斯汀·皮伊的校园非常投入. She served 作为UNIV 1000的同伴领袖,法国俱乐部副主席,拥有会员资格 多个组织遍布校园,并参加了西班牙留学 program in Summer 2019. These experiences culminated a rich knowledge of Austin Peay 奥利维亚很高兴与学生们分享这些资源,因为她帮助他们过渡 into collegiate life. She graduated Cum Laude in May 2021 with a B.A. in Foreign Language and minors in Spanish, International Studies and Leadership Science. In August 2022, 她开始攻读向其他国家的人教授英语的硕士证书 Languages (TESOL) program at Austin Peay State University.



Jontae Rice

Jontae Rice
McReynolds 101

琼泰·赖斯(Jontae Rice)从2023年秋天开始担任学生成功教练,但他没有 worked in the Housing department years prior. Jontae graduated from Austin Peay in 2022年8月,通讯学士学位,辅修历史. He is excited 帮助学生克服在大学期间可能遇到的障碍 careers.

Interested in becoming a College Possible Success Coach?

我们很高兴你有兴趣加入我们,成为奥斯汀皮伊的成功教练! 作为一名成功教练,你将在大学期间作为美国志愿队成员, a nationally recognized non-profit. As a near-peer mentor, Success Coaches support a diverse cohort of students in earning their degree.

我们正在寻找最近获得四年制学位的申请人. Ideal applicants 将展示领导能力,学术成就,并承诺 supporting students.

Join us at an Interest Session

  • February 22nd. Q&A with the coaches. 12:30pm-1:30pm: UC 307 

  • February 28th. Q&A with the coaches. 12:30pm-1:30pm: UC 307

  • February 29th. Virtual Q&A with the coaches. 3pm (Link to come)

  • March 25th. 电子mg官方网站 Career Fair, 10am-2pm: UC Ballroom

  • March 26th. 电子mg官方网站 Career Fair, 5pm-7pm : UC Ballroom

Apply for the 2024-2025 year

What is Americorps?

Benefits of Serving

  • Professional Development - You will learn several new marketable skills, tools, and programs. You will also 承担领导责任,学会与其他专业人士合作.

  • Networking Opportunities -作为一名学生成功教练,你会遇到很多直接工作的机会 与你的项目负责人,大学可能的项目顾问,以及电子mg官方网站的教职员工.

  • Education Award -学生成功导师会在服务12个月后获分配 award of $7,395. This award can either be used to pursue future educational endeavors or repay federal student loans.

  • Health Coverage - Student Success Coaches are provided health coverage. Details can be provided upon request.

  • Loan Forbearance -服役人员有机会免除大部分联邦贷款. This would allow the coach to not make payments on qualified loans.

  • Housing Austin Peay为学生成功教练提供校内住宿,其中包括 Wi-Fi接入,公用事业,和短通勤到他们的办公室的优势.

Edward standing in front of a brick wall
Edward Greer
Served 2019-2021

对我来说,教练给了我独特的经历,为我的职业生涯做好了准备 more than anything else.
Giulia standing in front of a brick wall
Giulia Terry
Served 2020-2022

作为一名成功教练,我可以运用我在大学里学到的技能 and use them in a professional setting.
Ariel standing in front of a brick wall
Ariel Beard
Served 2020-2022

在电子mg官方网站指导学生不仅给了我保持联系的机会 献给我的母校,也回报这个帮助我实现自己目标的地方.
Asia standing in front of a brick wall
Asia Pace
Served 2020-2023

作为一名教练,我意识到我有热情为学生服务. I 由于我的经历,我打算直接从事高等教育 a coach.