
学生的权利 & 责任


社区关怀及标准 - (931) 221-6226

The Director of 社区关怀及标准 is an advocate for student interests, a resource for questions and assistance for students and families, and the primary 学生紧急情况联络. 主任还监督学生纪律/司法 通过学生行为准则的过程. 代码是一个全面的文档 这就解释了学生的权利和责任. 办公室位于 摩根大学中心208B室.

The 学生行为准则 provides students with a comprehensive document that explains the rights and responsibilities of students who enroll at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. Anyone who enrolls at 电子mg官方网站 is entitled to all rights granted to him/her by the Constitution 他是美国公民,有权受到法律的充分保护. 除了 those rights and duties enjoyed by non students, enrollment in the University carries 随之而来的是特权和责任. 大学有 established regulations and certain due process procedures essential to an atmosphere 对所有个人权利敏感的相互尊重. 学生守则 行为规范可以在学生手册中找到 & 日历.

The 电子mg官方网站 学生手册 is posted online at the beginning of the fall semester. The student handbook includes the Student Code of Conduct, student rights and responsibilities 以及重要的日期. 

护理协调员 - (931) 221-7341
The 护理协调员 is responsible for working with students who are displaying signs of distress, and educational programs pertaining to sexual assault/domestic violence. 办公室 works in concert with the Director of 社区关怀及标准 to ensure that our campus community is thriving in and out of the classroom setting. 办公室 is committed to providing impartial and educational processes that foster the highest standards of ethical behavior, student learning and civic responsibility while promoting 一个尊重所有学生权利的环境.

Our disciplinary standard is based upon preponderance — this means that if we determine it is more likely than not that something occurred, your student will be held accountable 通过我们的行政程序. 在这种情况下,办公室可能会联系家长 that your student has violated our drug or alcohol policy or if we have reason to 相信你的学生有伤害自己或他人的危险. 如果你是 关心您的学生,请拨打(931)221-7341.

电子mg官方网站 strives to promote values and attitudes that are reflective of solid academic 品格正直. 所有学生都要完成自己的作业 conduct research and author assignments independently of others (unless specifically 由各自的教员授权共同工作). 学术诚信是 教育经验的基石.

A violation of the University’s Academic Misconduct Policy can result in disciplinary action which could include failure for an assignment, failure for an entire course, 留校察看、停学或开除学籍. 如果学生不确定 whether a practice would be considered academic misconduct, they should always consult 与他们的导师或访问WWW.阿卜苏.edu/policy.


版权 infringement is a legal offense and students are at risk of disciplinary and legal action against them if they are found to have engaged in 版权 infringement. 版权 is a legal right to control the copying distribution, modification, display 以及某些类型作品的表演. 它适用于文本,图形,视频,音频 and many other forms of expression or works owned by someone else such as books, magazines, movies, papers, art, music, illegal file sharing, information or files downloaded 从互联网等. 访问 www.版权.政府 了解更多版权信息.

Throughout your student’s education you have been involved and informed, and your interest in your student’s grades, finances and other records will likely continue. It is important for you to know that in college, your access to these records will 由于FERPA而有所不同. 家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA) a federal law enacted to protect the privacy of students and prohibit higher education institutions from disclosing any student information, including grades and financial 信息,未经学生明确授权. FERPA考虑大学 students to be adults regardless of age, and rights transfer from the parent to the student when the student reaches age 18 or attends a postsecondary institution at 任何年龄. 这意味着你可以查看学生的大学记录 or to discuss your student with most areas of the university, your student will need 给予事先同意. 我们鼓励您与您的学生讨论FERPA.

你的 student can simply share their information with you if they choose to do so. FERPA applies to your access to your student’s records through the University.

我的学生如何同意我查阅他们的记录? 你的学生必须 complete the FERPA Student Release of Confidential Information form at www.阿卜苏.edu/政府now/pdfs/FERPA.pdf. The completed form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in the Ellington Building, 316房间.

我可以查看学生的成绩和账户吗? The easiest way for you to receive information about your student’s tuition statement, account, grades, and other information is for your student to provide it to you. 你的 student can view their information through 万仕达 and can print it, screenshot it 或者发邮件给你. 你的学生需要完成 FERPA释放 if you plan to discuss their records with University departments and if you pay your 学生的法案.

FERPA例外: Without your student's consent, FERPA allows the University to release information 对你来说,如果下列陈述至少有一个适用:

有关FERPA的更多信息,请访问 U.S. 教育部网站.

You are always welcome to contact the Office of Student Affairs for any questions 或关注或联系 (931) 221-7341.