


To view updated information regarding the 工资 allocations for Fiscal Year 2024, 访问这里



Because 电子mg官方网站 hires faculty and staff from a broad geographic area, 工资 data will be obtained from the College and University Professional Association for 人力资源 (CUPA-HR)或使用同行机构的其他资源. 同行机构被考虑 relatively equivalent to Austin Peay in terms of University mission, Carnegie classification 和招生. 如果某个职位的工资数据不可用,请使用peer 机构,数据可以从更大的机构样本中获得.

Using CUPA-HR’s 工资 survey data, each role at Austin Peay is assigned a comparator 职位描述. 比较代码,或CIP代码的教师,是用来 将电子mg官方网站员工与同行机构的职位和工资数据联系起来.

Managers will be responsible for negotiating a fair and market-based 工资 for new 员工们,在与单位负责人协商后,我.e.,副总裁,执行董事. 人力资源 will provide a hiring range for new employees based on the assigned CUPA-HR比较和职位描述. 经理们会考虑市场数据、年数据 of experience, unique and highly qualified skill sets, budgetary constraints and inversion 还有压缩问题.  在薪资谈判中,如果经理决定 that conditions warrant a 工资 offer above the market median he or she may request 来自单元头的一个例外.


重新分类 are submitted through the appropriate management chain with the 人力资源厅的咨询意见和咨询指导. 工资的变化 that result from a reclassification will go into effect at the beginning of the next 批准后的工资期. 可以对非教师职位进行重新分类 if justified by the scope of work being performed and if permanent funding is identified 对于任何相关的补偿增加. 重新分类所需的步骤 非教员职位的有:

1. All proposals for reclassification on non-faculty positions will be forwarded by the manager of the position for review and approval through the appropriate management 与高级管理员联系. 人力资源厅将提供资料 and consultative guidance as needed to assist the manager and affected employee in completing the new position description and identifying the appropriate comparator 工资中位数. 职位描述将附在书面提案中 providing as much detail as possible regarding the significant changes, the reasons 以及这些变化如何支持大学的战略计划.

2. The proposal must identify the availability of baseline/ongoing funds for the recommended 工资. 当资金已经确定,账号或资金策略将 对请求进行记录.

3. In consultation with the 人力资源厅, each member of the management chain will review the completed position description and may discuss it with the employee 以及他/她的主管. 经高级行政官核准后,将 将重新提交人力资源厅执行.

4. 重新分类的最后经费将与预算办公室协调.

5. Notice of final action will be sent to the immediate supervisor and Senior Administrator. It is the immediate supervisor’s responsibility to notify the employee of changes 到他们的职位和/或薪水.

更多信息可在  电子mg官方网站政策5:036工作人员晋升、改叙、调职和降职 .




促销活动 are an increase in position brought about by means of assuming the duties 空缺的:指更高级别的空缺职位. 被推荐的员工可能不会得到晋升 在该员工成功完成6个月的工作之前.

晋升申请须由部门主管/总监或以上职位提出. 在 approval by the Senior Administrator, requests should be submitted by the manager/supervisor, via a written memo to the 人力资源厅 (HR) and the Office of Equity, 获取和包容(OEAI). 这可以提交电子或通过纸张与 合适的签名行. 收到后,人力资源部将确保员工符合要求 最低职位要求. OEAI将审查该请求,以确保它 是否符合大学的平权行动目标. 如果注意到问题, 请求将被退回到部门. 如果请求得到了HR和 OEAI, the initiating Department Head/Director will be notified, and HR will prepare 一份新的雇佣合同,并取得相应的签字才能执行.

更多信息可在 电子mg官方网站政策5:036工作人员晋升、改叙、调职和降职.


A transfer is a move to a position in the same skill level or same CUPA comparator 工资中位数. 调职并不等于加薪. 

更多信息可在 电子mg官方网站政策5:036工作人员晋升、改叙、调职和降职.

Academic programs are listed by the national Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)字段使用CIP分配的代码. CIP代码用于定义学术课程 activity, as required by the TN Higher Education Commission Academic Program Inventory. CIP代码通常是根据学术课程分配的。. 当一个部门提供 一个程序,一个CIP代码被分配并被该程序使用. 当多个程序 and/or majors are housed within a department, CIP Codes may be assigned according 每个不同的项目和/或专业,经教务长许可.

During the position proposal process for a new hire, full-time regular faculty are 归入该部门的项目CIP代码.  如果部门有多个 CIP code designations due to multiple academic programs/majors, the faculty member will be classified based on the primary teaching responsibility, as determined during 招聘流程.  高度专业化的教学领域需要独特的 CIP Code due to accreditation or other reason, must be approved as an exception by 教务长.

When an individual moves within the university, either voluntarily or involuntarily based on program changes, the faculty member is classified into the department’s CIP 代码,遵循上面详细的程序.



To be considered for a 工资 increase for degree attainment, the staff member must submit a written request to his/her supervisor indicating that he/she has completed 教育程度.  请求必须提供如何完成的理由 relates to his/her current job duties, the length of study required, and any special 与完成相关的需求.  提供的成绩单副本 verification of the completion of the degree must also be submitted with the request.  If the request is approved, the increase in 工资 will be made effective at the beginning 经批准后的下一个工资期.

The amount of the increase for completion of a degree will be dependent on whether 与当前职责有直接的工作关系.  这种关系必须记录下来 in the staff member's request and concurred with by the supervisor and division head.  下表显示了将获得的加薪百分比: 

学位 直接相关的 不相关的
的同事 4.00% 2.00%
单身汉 5.00% 3.00%
大师 5.50% 3.50%
EDS 5.50% 3.50%
博士学位 6.00% 4.00%


This policy applies only to a degree program started prior to January 1, 2021, and completed by December 31, 2028, in which 电子mg官方网站 has a record of attendance and continuous enrollment since January 1, 2021, while serving as a regular non-faculty employee 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的教授.

更多信息可在 电子mg官方网站政策5:027(员工因取得学位而加薪).


Employees who work in a non-exempt administrative position who pass all parts of the Certified Administrative Professional Examination sponsored by the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) shall be granted a nine percent (9%) increase in 工资 upon successful completion of the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP)考试.  豁免雇员没有资格获得加薪.

The 工资 increase shall take effect with the next pay period beginning after Human 资源接收认证的文档. 我们鼓励员工 contact 人力资源 prior to registering for the examination to determine eligibility.

Individuals who previously received the 9% increase are not eligible for a subsequent 通过注册行政管理专业人员考试增加9%.