

大学的娱乐's 大官户外 trips/outings are cooperative adventures aimed to empower and connect people through unique and exciting experiences. 这些经历 are meant to provide participants space to grow and develop skills while having fun 在伟大的户外! Each person will be an equal member of the group on these trips, 无论技能水平如何. 因此,重要的是每个参与者准确 and honestly assesses his or her own skill level before taking part in trips that 可能超出了他或她的能力. 也就是说,我们为每个人提供旅行 level of experience so that all students have the opportunity to take part. 大学 娱乐 wants all people to expand their skillset and improve self-reliance to communicate and work as a group while enjoying the outdoor world.

 旅行日程安排  旅行的信息 Climbing Wall  设备租赁  FAQs



A pre-trip meeting will be held at 5:00 pm the Wednesday before each trip at the Govs 户外中心位于福伊中心的主大厅. 需要出勤. 


参与者医疗信息 & 协议

旅行是为个人定价的. 价格包括交通、住宿、营地 食物、设备租金及活动费.

Specialized equipment will be provided and included in trip pricing. 有些旅行需要 or recommend specific types clothing articles that the average participant will already 自己的,比如一件合身的t恤. 我们可能无法提供这种性质的物品, 但我们会和你一起找出解决办法. 

大学的娱乐 reserves the 正确的 to cancel a program due to inclement weather, lack of participation, natural disasters, or 情有可原的情况下. 在事件中 大官户外 must cancel a program, a full refund will be provided. 有时旅行 pricing includes outside reservation or activity fees; these fees are non-refundable. 请参阅FAQs解答了解我们的取消政策.

每个人都可以参加Govs户外旅行. 所有的旅行都对新来者开放,也没有 无论活动类型如何,都需要先前的经验. 某些旅行,比如背包旅行, 是否需要一定程度的身体准备. 大多数人都能满足这些要求 without additional preparation, but it is an important consideration for any trip. 如果你 are concerned with the potential difficulties of a trip, please speak with our staff at the Rock or the 齿轮 Center, and they will help you understand what to 预计.




了解户外攀岩是什么样子的! 在悬崖见一下大官户外的工作人员, 他们会设置绳索,保护并给出指示. 国王崖位于右边 here in Clarksville, and is a great introduction to the world of outdoor climbing. 我们的另一次登山之旅还在犹豫? 为什么不试试呢?? 最棒的是 is it's free (you must still register so we know how many people to 预计).


日期: 稍后通知

价格: 免费的

报名截止日期: 稍后通知

前会议: 没有一个





下午2点至5点,M/W/F提供顶索和自动保护绳攀爬. 露天抱石 随时为攀爬会员开放.  

岩石的特点是  26-foot wall with ten rope lanes and a 12-foot free-standing boulder. 两堵墙 and boulder feature a range of difficulties, catering to new and experienced climbers 都.

没有经验,没有问题. 我们的工作人员可以在开放时间为您提供帮助 刚开始攀岩. New climbers will go through a short orientation to become familiar 岩石的政策. 所有必要的设备免费提供.


保护是登山者管理绳索的行为. 这是我们的员工正在做的 当你攀爬时. 任何人都可以在电子mg官方网站岩石获得认证. 虽然它是 not strictly necessary to get certified, we offer belay training, and it is highly 推荐. 我们的认证考试非常彻底. 

Every Wednesday (Fall and Spring only) we offer a belay class for only $5. 系索 是攀岩的关键技能吗. 我们的课程将涵盖技术,设备和 要注意的一些常见错误. 一旦你获得了完全的保护认证,你就可以进行保护了 在没有工作人员帮助的情况下在福伊酒店.



No! 我们所有的课程都是为初学者设计的. 事实上,它是大官户外 greater mission to introduce people to outdoor recreation, and provide equipment, 为任何感兴趣的人提供指导和教育. 

有时选择旅行是很困难的. 关键的考虑因素是 what activities you're interested in, whether you want an overnight car camping experience, 或者如果你准备尝试野外旅行. 所有旅行对所有技能水平的人开放, 每个人都有自己的困难因素. 攀岩之旅可能会涉及到 a steep hike to the cliff, while backcountry trips usually mean you won't shower for 几天的时间,少了一顿大餐. 如果你对旅行的性质不确定, 问问Govs户外工作人员. 我们是来帮忙的.   

这要视情况而定. Most overnight trips will involve camping, but every now and then 我们将在小木屋或旅馆过夜. 最好的信息来源永远是 将成为Govs户外工作人员. 询问你感兴趣的具体旅行 进去,他们会让你知道接下来会发生什么.

All 大官户外 trips are open to 大学 students, staff, faculty and all members 福伊健身娱乐中心的主任. 18岁以下的学生必须有表格 signed by their parent or legal guardian before they can register for a trip. 如果你 不确定您是否有资格参加旅行,请与我们联系. 

  • 在以下情况下,将给予全额退款: 
    • A trip that is cancelled by 大官户外 for weather, low participation, or other 情有可原的情况下. 
    • A trip is full, has an active waitlist, and another participant is willing to take 你的位置. 
    • 在报名截止日期前3周取消. 
    • Family/medical/personal emergencies will be reviewed on case-by-case basis by the 政府户外活动协调员及助理署长.  
  • Cancellations 2 weeks in advance of a trip's registration deadline will be eligible 75%的退款 
  • Cancellations 1 week in advance of a trip's registration deadline will be eligible 50%的退款. 
  • Cancellations within a week of a trip's registration deadline will not be eligible 要求退款.

我们将努力适应饮食限制. 不要犹豫 如有任何问题或疑虑,请与我们联系. 食物选择总是在会议上讨论 前会议. 如果你 have food allergies, you must let us know so we can take 的预防措施.

这要视情况而定. 几乎所有的旅行都会在某个地方使用设施, 但不是一直如此. A climbing site may have restrooms at the trailhead, but not in 攀登区. A backcountry trip may stay at hotel during travel, but have no 设备在实验中. 然而,即使在穷乡僻壤的旅行中,我们也会优先考虑卫生, and when necessary we will teach participants how to use the backcountry bathroom.

The trip leaders may make recommendations at 前会议, but the best preparation 是精神. Depending on the trip, you may encounter new sources of discomfort. 被 接受新的挑战是这个过程的一部分.

All specialized equipment (gear the average person won't have) is provided. 你是 responsible for personal items like clothing, toiletries and a bag to pack these things in. 运动服适合大多数旅行. 如有特殊或特殊服装 是必需的,这将在旅行前的会议上讨论吗.
